Hello Again, World

After an eighteen-year hiatus, I’ve decided to pick up blogging again. A few things have changed since I last wrote.

  1. Web browsers and standards have evolved. We’re no longer laying out pages using nested HTML tables and spacer.gif files.
  2. Design tools have changed. Adobe once ruled this space. New tools and platforms remind us of the centrality of code, engineering, and collaboration.
  3. Computing is no longer limited to a desktop PC. Mobile devices have accelerated a transition from server-centric websites toward device-agnostic platforms and web APIs.
  4. Developer tooling has changed, a lot. Gone are the days of editing static files and uploading them to a server using an FTP client. Modern dev tools put an emphasis on version control, modularity, standardization, collaboration, and automated deployment via pipelines.

It’s nice to get back to writing again. And after all these years, it’s still great to grow, learn, build, and design.